Thursday, May 15, 2008

starting to end

at last... starting a new blog that i will try to definitely update everyday. i've created blogs before but never succeeded to update it on time. the reason is that my other blogs are not for me... other sides of me.
today is another turning point in my life... or should i say starting to prepare for an ending. 3 years ago was the first one. i have the same case, if not a similar case, with 'da boy' of philippine cinema. last night, i decided to be scheduled for chemotherapy starting on the first friday of june 2008. i am hoping that my body will respond well, coz if not, i will definitely just wait for my time end which will be sooonnn! gemcitabine is the name of the meds. anyway... let's cut that short.
i am married to jo1. a definitely an honest to goodness wife. she came from bicol. i came from rizal, though my parents came from cagayan. you can see some of me at this site and this one
the pic above has been shot minutes ago... just had my new haircut just last night. you'll have a lot of me or anything/anyone around me when days pass.
i saw an unconditional love last night before having my check-up. my ex-officemate, who i can say can be a film actor because of his looks, was so close and sweet to his partner at the mrt ayala station. his looks and his body is definitely way off from his girl, but he is the one who is so sweet to her. i salute him for that. all men should be like him i told myself. i should have taken a picture of them. wheww...

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