Thursday, June 26, 2008


finally we have disposed our sony h2...

God knows when to be there before you even think about it.
we posted the item for sale months ago and the reason was in exchange of another techy thing.

then early this day... while checking on our bills... i got a text message from someone asking if he can get the cam for a lower price. right-away i jumped from my seat and went to get the camera and had also informed jo1 about it. the reason for selling it now is different...

jo1 and i agreed after minutes of conversation. as i am about to text the buyer, i found out the av cable and usb cable are not working. we didn't use the said features for so long because we were just transferring photos and videos via a card reader. i felt uncomfortable to sell the item. i composed a text message to the buyer about the condition of the item and said a prayer before sending it. he replied and was still eager to buy the item, but asked for a small amount discount. the final price i think is still reasonable for us. so the transaction has pushed thru.

to the buyer and his girlfriend, who he said was the first one who texted me, thank you!!!

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