Wednesday, June 18, 2008

rock my world

earlier today, there was a comotion between me and the man living above our unit. though i was playing a music under a normal volume, the man heard it as though it was too loud. the problem with the room of our unit is that there is no other hole that the sound can go through except to pass through the rooms of the units above and below us. so what he did was he played an instrumental music of pure drums and guitars. i heard the music, and it was really too loud... me, as a hard headed bitch, pumped up the volume and played music of Red Hot Chilli Peppers. eventually, we lowered our volumes.

after a couple of hours, i heard a knock on my door. when i opened the door, i saw him standing there. he right away told me that he lives above our unit... he apologized for the said comotion while i also apologized. the funny thing was we ended up liking the story of each other... he told me his life and his job and i told mine... i like his story because he worked as a guitarist of some bands performing in japan and now as a sound engineer... the life he has, meeting different people, living with different type of friends, and other stuffs...

we really wanted to have more time to talk, but we have some work to do... so he said goodbye. we apologized again on each other, shook hands, and he went off...

after 5 minutes there he was again knocking at my door. he gave me a 'cancer killer juice' recipe, we shook hands again, and he said 'rock on!'

God really knows how to rock my world! =)

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