Thursday, June 26, 2008

ever ready

just now, i saw the result of the blood tests needed before having my ctscan on Saturday. the result shows a good sign of my liver and kidney enzymes.

late in the afternoon today, dothy and i discussed the herbal medicines of dr. tam and that dothy has a first hand knowledge of the good effect the herbal can give thru her tita. i remembered mabelle and other classmates informing me of other medicines too. currently i'm taking another herbal given by doys and joh.

thanks for the concern, let's have this one at a time.
whatever the result of any exercise, i lift it up to Him...
with Him, i'm ever ready


Joh said...

yeah, mike.. :) praise God. thank you.. you've shown alot of strength from within.. thanks for being a reminder to us.

Anonymous said...

Go mike!